
📘 Front-End Frenzy: Web Dev Basics - DIY

1. Introduction

Overview of the Event

Welcome to Front-End Frenzy: Web Dev Basics - DIY! This event is designed to kickstart your journey into web development. Over the next 30 days, you’ll learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through daily challenges, building projects that you can showcase in your portfolio.

What You’ll Achieve

By the end of this event, you’ll have:


2. Getting Started


Account Setup

Before you begin, please set up the following accounts:

  1. GitHub: Sign up here and join the Dev Wizards organization.
  2. Discord: Join our community where you can ask questions, share your progress, and interact with other participants.

Joining the Community

After creating your accounts, make sure to:


Fill out the registration form here.

Note: You must provide accurate information so that we can identify you for reward distribution.

3. Daily Challenges

How to Access Daily Files

Each day, a new challenge file will be available in the event’s repository on GitHub. Navigate to the Daily Challenges folder to find the Markdown file for the current day.

Structure of Each Day’s Challenge

Every day’s challenge will include:

Suggested Learning Resources

Feel free to use:

Mini Projects and Practical Applications

Each challenge includes a mini project. Completing these projects will help solidify your understanding and give you practical experience. By the end of the event, you’ll have a portfolio of small web projects.

4. Weekly Milestones

Explanation of Milestones

At the end of each week, you’ll face a milestone challenge that brings together everything you’ve learned. These challenges are larger projects that may require extra time and effort.

How to Submit Your Work

Submit your completed milestone projects via GitHub by pushing your code to your repository. Share your project link in the designated Discord channel.

For detailed instructions, take a look at the HowToSubmit file.

For final project submission guidelines, refer to the file.

Evaluation Criteria

Milestone projects will be evaluated based on:

5. Final Challenge

Details of the Final Challenge

On the 30th day, you’ll be given a comprehensive challenge that will test all the skills you’ve learned. This final project will weigh heavily in determining the top performer.

How It Contributes to Rewards

The final challenge is crucial for winning the GitHub T-shirt and other top prizes. Make sure to give it your best effort!

Submission Guidelines

Submit your final project by pushing it to your GitHub repository and sharing the link in the final challenge submission thread on Discord.

6. Earning Rewards

Stickers and T-Shirts

Criteria for Top Performer

The top performer will be selected based on:

Surprise Rewards

On sticker distribution day, we’ll reveal a special surprise for all active participants! Stay tuned for more details.

7. Rules and Guidelines

Participation Etiquette

Submission Deadlines

Academic Integrity

8. FAQ

Common Questions and Answers

Q: When is the event scheduled to start?

A: The event dates will be announced via email and Discord.

Q: What are the requirements for participation?

A: Only the students from SHMM GDC Anantnag, GCET Ganderbal, GDC Baramullah, GDC Kulgham, and GDC Bandipora can register for the event.

Q: What if I miss a day?

A: Don’t worry! You can catch up on missed challenges, but try to stay on track to get the most out of the event.

Q: Do I need to be online at specific times?

A: No, the challenges are self-paced, so you can complete them at your convenience each day.

Q: Can I use external resources?

A: Absolutely! Use any resources you find helpful, but ensure you understand the concepts being taught.

9. Support

How to Get Help

If you encounter any issues or have questions:

10. Ending Notes

We’re excited to see what you build over the next 30 days! Good luck, and have fun coding! 🚀

It’s okay if you only know a bit of HTML and CSS right now—this is the perfect opportunity to get started. If you’re a beginner, you’ll learn essential terminology and concepts, even if you use AI tools to help you along the way. If you’re experienced, you’ll get the chance to help others, earn stickers, and maybe even win a t-shirt.

Get ready to elevate your web skills!